Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Summer Travel Journal Part 3: Hanging Out with Dr. C's Family

You all probably thought that I had forgotten about the promised Summer Travel Journal. But, you are in luck, because I didn't forget and we are ready for the next installment.

We spent the first week at Dr. C's parents' house--where Miss B broke a lamp and an alarm clock; I broke the dryer and Dr. C's razor's case stained the bathroom sink. 

They were probably pretty ready for us to leave by the weeks' end. 
 The boys got to try on Grandpa R's Green Beret.  Very cool...although I'm not entirely sure that they understood the significance of it other than "Grandpa's neat hat."  T-Man kept wanting to wear it like he was a Newsie.
What's with the one squinty eye?

Miss B took over the Flintstone car like she'd had her license for years and was cruising around in her hot rod. 
 One night involved some intense games of capture-the-flag.  I think the girl's team only one once; but hey, at least we won, right?

Miss Banana kept getting tripped over, so she eventually became our inside cheerleader. 

Yeah, not happy about that.

Another night we had a bbq at Aunt E's house, where much fun was had by all.

They have a cool is that?!?

Water balloon volleyball (and regular volleyball) were also big hits.

Fearless and T-Man got in a water fight. 
Fearless thought he had the only water gun.
 Until Uncle C brought out the BIG gun.  And when I say BIG, I mean in T-Man needed help picking it up once it was full of water. 

That thing was like a fire hose.

Fearless didn't stand a chance after that!

Despite losing the water war, Fearless was happy because later that evening, we partied for his birthday.  He shares a birthday with Grandma R and a couple of days later is Grandpa R's birthday, so everyone got to celebrate.

Miss B was a little stinker that night because I wouldn't let her gorge herself on cupcakes.

I'm such a mean mom.

 Thank goodness for all of the family members that cheered her back up; she's so much more pleasant to be around when she's not screaming her head off.

And, since you've made it this far, I will end with a little treat.  Dr. C's niece (in the background of the picture above) has been playing guitar since she was 9; and recently won 1st Place in her division of the local Idol contest.  She just wrote her first song, True The recording makes it hard to understand some parts, but listen closely; there is a verse about Miss B!!

(Sorry, tried to embed it, but the video isn't working...hopefully the link works!)


katielovie said...

That's awesome!! She as a beautiful voice and that's really cool that shoe put a verse in there about her :)

Smilen Champ said...

My name is Jenna and I came across your site. She is so beautiful, has a beautiful voice, and I love that song! Your daughter is beautiful and an inspirational hero. I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and I love it when people sign my guestbook.

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