Miss Banana had her 15-Month check-up and I am very happy to report that it was a NON-adventure! Hooray! We got all of her blood work results back and everything looks fabulous. She's growing some--she now weighs 20lbs. 11oz. and 29 1/4 inches long. Which puts her just below 75% for her peers with designer genes and just above the 10% mark for her typical peers. Not too shabby! You can tell a difference when you pick her up now--it used to be that she was this little air-baby, but now she's starting to chub up a little. Hooray for healthy, baby-fat rolls! This visit was also the first time EVER I have walked out of Dr. SouthernKids' office without 3+ prescriptions to fill for Miss B. That on its own is a major milestone!
With her new found weight, we decided that it was time to move her out of her infant seat and into the convertible one. She loves the new seat; now she sits up higher and can see out the window better, but I'm struggling with it because now she has to sit in the top of grocery carts and she can pull stuff off the shelves! Ahh, the joys of toddlerhood.
Side note: I don't think I've ever enjoyed all those little crazy things that toddlers do as much as I do with her. She can now get into cupboards, pick up little grodies off the floor, and she tries to climb into the dishwasher. And while I know I should be correcting her behavior, I find myself cheering that she is stable enough to open the cupboards and pull everything out. Or that she is using a perfect tip pincer grasp to pick up tiny things off the floor. Or that she has the gross motor skills to climb up and pull the rack out of the dishwasher...each of those acts represents hours of occupational and physical therapy work and are cause for celebration!
I'm crossing my fingers that maybe this is the tapering off of all the crazy medical adventures with Miss B. (Knock on wood...I'm probably shooting myself in the foot by even saying that!) Here's to a healthy future!
Hopefully a Tough Lesson Learned
5 days ago
Good to hear everything went well! I love the toddler stage, even though they get into everything, they are soooo cute!
Woo Hoo for Miss Banana!!!! There is nothing better than good medical news and all her accomplishments!
Congratulations Miss B for being perfectly you!
Way to grow Miss Banana!! I agree with you, I absolutely love a good check up!
Way to go! And I can't wait for our Little guys to get into cupboards and such!
That is so exciting..always fun to move on to new and HEALTHY stages!
Yippee for good health and a curious toddler!!
Hooray! Cheers to Miss B on cleaning out the cupboards!
I know what you're saying! You like to see that they are progressing - most people take it completely for granted that their child can do all those things, but YOU know that it is a product of MUCH time, therapy, and patience. I don't think you hear cheering more loudly then when a mom of a child with DS finally learns to crawl, stand, and walk (and a million other things). For our kids, those things don't just "happen".
Good job little sweetheart!!!
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