Do you ever have those moments where you look at your kids and think: When did they grow up so much??
T-Man was so proud of himself today because he made lunch all by himself. Granted, it was just PBJ's, but he got out the placemats, plates, bread, and jelly (I helped with the peanut butter b/c it was too high even with a chair) then made sandwiches for himself and Fearless and set them on the table. He even cleaned up his mess afterward. (Apparently getting the peanut butter all the way to the edge of the bread was of upmost importance--so the plate and counter were also peanut buttered.)
While this seems like such a little thing to the grown-ups of the world, to him (and me) this is a major step in his process of growing up. It was one of those moments as a mom where I'm so proud of him for being responsible and able to handle it COMPLETELY by himself, and at the same time I just want to sit him in a high chair and feed him baby food again.
Beth's Case Worker
5 days ago
That is amazing! I can't believe you actually allowed that to happen; I would be crazy and following Alexander around with a washcloth. You make me realize that I should just be more laid back.
Congratulations to you and Tate for a successful lunch!
That is awesome that he wants to take an interest in food and help out! We may have the next iron chef in the making!
How sweet! I would be so sad, too, but what an accomplishment!
alright Tate! and I agree, to make a really good pb&j, getting the peanut butter to the very edge is of the utmost importance! ;)
I finally found your blog! Yay!Your boys are so cute! I love sitting by you guys in sacrament meeting and hearing all their funny comments. :)
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