Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall Travel Journal: A Perfect Ending.

Sometimes people come into your life that aren't technically related to you, but they might as well be family.
While Dr. C was working on his PhD in Nebraska, we had the privilege of getting to know some these un-related family members.  After we moved to The South, we unfortunately don't get to see them as much, but when we do see them, we pick up right where we left off.

On Wednesday night, before we all left San Antonio and headed home (us to The South, some back to Nebraska, some back to Brazil)--we had a mini-un-related-family-reunion at a fabulous brazilian grill, Fogo de Chao

It was a perfectly lovely evening.
These un-related family members are some of my favorite people on the planet.  An evening with them is like being home.
Thank you for the wonderful time; spending the last night of our trip with you all was the perfect ending to a fabulous vacation.

Next time, let's all meet up in Brazil.

1 comment:

Simone said...

Hi Carrie!!!!
I'm finally here...
How are you? The kids???
It was great to reconnect you in San Antonio...Haapy day!
Luciano told me about the news...I'm very happy for you guys..I wish much luck in this new journey...
I miss y'all

(I hope you understood my english...rsrs)

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