Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pet names

Fearless started calling me "babe" and "sweetheart" today. I guess he thinks that if Dr. Corn can call me that, then he has that right too. I assume that eventually I'll be concerned that I have a little womanizer on my hands; but, I have to admit it's pretty funny to have my toddler drop something and say, "What happened to it, babe?" and pretty darn cute to have him throw his arms around my neck and say, "Hey sweetheart!"


Marisa said...

Travis always jokes that I'm "smokin hot" The kids hear it constantly, it's always little perterbing when it comes out of one of their mouths. Ella's new thing is "yessir" I have no idea where she got it.

Joni said...

Maggie calls everyone sweetheart too since I call her that a lot. It is so fun, but sometimes unsettling, when they repeat things they hear. I would love to hear Rylin call someone "babe"! Too cute!

Lacy said...

That is too cute, enjoy it! They grow up so fast and then they will be calling you not so nice names. Josie has become attached to the word Stupid lately and it drives me crazy!

Wright Family said...

aww! that is precious! That will be a cute story to tell him when he is older.

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